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3 ‘smart packaging’ predictions for 2019

Prediction #1: over ten million fast-moving commodities (FMCG) are interacting with throughout 2019. And near-field communication (NFC) applications for shopper engagement can explode once the new vary of iPhones become mass-scale devices.

Why is that this significant?

Worth: Brands can produce a completely in hand, recent and powerful media platform—the product they create and sell. 10 million shopper interactions provide brands with ten million possibilities to own customized conversations with their end-users and essentially disrupt the prevailing brand-to-consumer relationship.

When done right, once you begin lecture customers, you stop advertising to them. every shopper interaction with a product delivers new insights into not simply wherever and once a product is bought/consumed however additionally by the World Health Organization.

Prediction #2. Brands area unit commencing to “in-house” their innovation capabilities and laboratory programs.

What will this mean to packaging departments at shopper grocery (CPG) companies? What area unit the advantages and challenges?

Worth: Prototyping gets quicker, the variety of technologies to explore gets broader, the whole becomes ready to upskill wider groups without having to think about workshops or lunch-and-learns and instead gets active with technology—ultimately saving time and cash.

Prediction #3. Agencies can begin to supply “IoT / Voice” consulting practices to maximize the growing interest.

Again, what area unit the advantages of this for packaging departments at CPG companies?

Worth: I don’t suppose there’s a lot of profit here except a larger awareness of IoT and voice ways wanting to be self-addressed. There’s nothing worse than the steady stream of generalists selecting to pitch false specialisms to maximize trends. The IoT and voice are no totally different however will facilitate to form credible and established specialists like sharpened even additional enticing as brands search out the proper partners for these new forms of initiatives.

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